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The term Lone Soldier, or in Hebrew Chayal Boded, refers to an individual serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) without family support in Israel.

The Lone Soldier population is comprised of new immigrants and volunteers from abroad as well as Israeli Lone Soldiers who may be orphans, come from extremely low socio-economic backgrounds, or, for various reasons, have no contact with their families in Israel.

There are approximately 7,000 Lone Soldiers currently serving in the IDF today. Approximately 60% are young men and women who come from abroad to serve as lone soldiers or chayal bodedim. These soldiers are counted among the most dedicated and exemplary in the field, but when they are away from base, many struggle with basic needs that a family would normally provide, whether it’s clean laundry, a hot meal, or simply someone to offer advice. The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Foundation strives to create a real community for our Lone Soldiers, the center of our mission is done through funding programs and services, from meals to base visits to mental health counseling and so much more.

There are many ways you can help our Lone Soldiers, including:


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