1-888-4L-SOLDIER (1-888-457-6534)

Just as the Torah is a protector of the Jewish people, so is the IDF a protector of Israel, the Jewish homeland. None are braver or more dedicated to protecting Israel than our Lone Soldiers. The Lone Soldier Sefer Torah will reside in Israel, in a Beit Kenneset serving IDF lone soldiers, and will be used every week. By endowing a letter, word, verse or more – for yourself, your family or friends – you will be participating in one of the greatest mitzvahs and ensuring that Israel’s protectors have a Sefer Torah to call their own.

Every letter in the Torah is indispensable, so is every member of the Jewish people. By participating as a sponsor of this Torah you will not only have a lifelong remembrance, but in a very special way you are signifying that you are one with the Jewish nation and one with our destiny.

Be a part of this great mitzvah by dedicating a portion of this Torah in honor or in memory of someone special. Every contribution will be recognized and will receive a Certificate of Dedication.

We welcome your generous participation in this unique opportunity. Your sponsorship helps support programs and services that meet the needs of Lone Soldiers before, during, and after their service. What a wonderful and personal way to show your support and connection to Am Yisroel!

  • All donors will receive a special certificate in recognition of your contribution.
  • All dedications of $540+ will also be acknowledged on a beautiful plaque displayed in the Beit Kenneset where the Torah will be used.
  • The dedication of a Torah cover will include an embroidered dedication on the cover.
  • With the dedication of a Book ($10,000) you will receive a beautiful leather-bound Chumash. Also included is the opportunity to have an aliya where the Torah is housed, anytime you are in Israel. Please contact [email protected] ahead of your trip to make those arrangements.

'What a special tribute to Michael Levin z'l and all lone soldiers.'

colorful torah scroll

'I can't express how much this Sefer Torah means to our lone soldier community.'

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