1-888-4L-SOLDIER (1-888-457-6534)

After – a night off, sleep at home for a night and arrive at the base the next morning.

Bach – training base (each brigade has one e.g. Bach Golani)

Bakum – absorption and screening base

Barror – physical test (push ups, pull ups, running etc.)

Beitim – sick leave on base

Bikur rofeh – doctor’s office off base

Chafshash – time off before discharge (can be 2-4 weeks)

Chamshush – getting off base for Shabbat on Thursday

Chofesh – vacation days

Choger – army ID

Chopel – Medic in charge of the pluga

Chovesh – medic

Close Shabbat – staying on base for Shabbat

Closing 21 – staying on base for 21 days straight

Course Katzin – officer course (mem-mem and higher)

Course makim – commander course (mefaked)

Course mishtachim – reintegration course given before they finish their active duty service

Cutting their card (choger)- the final act of discharge (they usually take a picture)

Diskeet – dog tags

Distance – The social distance between a commander and their soldiers, especially in training, once the soldier is finished training their commander will ‘break distance’

Ezrachi – civilian clothing

Gadzar – special forces

G’dud – infantry

Gibbush – try out for special/elite forces

Gimmelim – sick leave off base

Gius – enlistment/drafting

Hafnaya – medical appointment

Hakpatza  – soldiers being woken in the middle of the night to do an exercise

Hashba’ah – swearing in

Imun mitkadem – advanced training (training after finishing maslul)

Ishur – permission

Jobnik – non combat soldier

Katzin – commander

Katzina tash – in charge of all mashakit tot (social workers) on a base

Kav – operational assignment

Keva – extra time (signing extra time for different reasons e.g. To be a commander or officer)

Kravi – combat

Kumta – beret

Lila lavan – up all night doing exercises etc. during training

Lochem – warrior

Machal – 18 months of service for non Israeli citizens

Machlakah – a platoon – about 40 soldiers

Machzor – draft class (drafts take place in March/April, July/August, and November/December)

Madim – uniform – two sets: ma-dey aleph (dress uniform worn off base) and ma-dey bet (uniform worn on base)

Maflag – commanders in charge of logistics

Magad – commander of the base

Mak (or Mafkatz) – Squad commander

Masa – a long march

Masa kumtah – very long hike that takes place prior to the tekes kumtah

Mashakit tash – social worker

Maslul – advanced training

Matkali – entitled to (e.g. matkali a meyuchedet)

Mefaked/mefakedet – commander (of a squad/tzevet – about 15 soldiers)

Mekutzeret – Shabbat off but has to be back on base by Saturday night

Mem-mem – mefaked machlakah – officer in charge of a platoon – about 40 soldiers

Mem-pey – mefaked pluga – officer in charge of the company – about 120 soldiers

Mem-somach-pey – assistant to the mem pey

Meyuchedet – 30 day leave to visit parents in their home country

Michve Alon – up to three months of army ulpan with a little bit of physical training. Counts towards their army service but not really the army yet.

Miluim – reserve duty

Mishtachar – finish service/discharge

Mispar Ishi – personal ID number that every soldier is assigned

Mitbach – kitchen

Mitztayan – outstanding soldier

Moket Chayalim Bodedim – Office in the IDF that handles lone soldier issues – phone
number is *1111

Pazzam – experienced in the army

Pikadon – money given after the army for school, business wedding

Pitur – exemption

Pitur zakan – exemption from shaving

Pluga – a company – about 120 soldiers

Profile score – physical fitness score given at the tzav rishon – this score determines where you can be placed in the army, 97 is the highest score)

RAM shtyim, RAM 2 – hospital for chayalim

Regilah – 1 week leave (usually given to the entire tzevet after finishing certain parts of training)

Rofeh – doctor

Samal – sargent

Sayeret – elite units

Seicah – pin

Semel – unit symbol/logo

Sharaishoot –person in charge of vacation leave

Shastash – during training, the free hour at the end of the day for personal business (shower etc.) this is when they get their phone

Shavua milchama – war week during training

Shekem – store on base to buy snacks etc.

Shetach – field – literally

Shin Gimmel – the front gate of the base

Shipzur – to rig a piece of equipment

Shmirah – guard duty

Siyur – doing patrol in a vehicle

Tafkid – assignment/job

Tash – easy

Tekes – ceremony

Tirinut – basic training

Tzahove – by the book, goody-goody

Tzair – inexperienced soldier

Tzav rishon – notice and first interview with the recruitment office

Tzevet – squad/team/unit

Tzahov – someone who eagerly follows all the rules

Tziud – equipment

Yichida – unit

Yitziot – schedule (e.g. 11/3 or 17/4 – on base/home)

Yom sidurim – day to run errands

Yom-ee-yot – job in the army in which you go home everyday

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