The mission of the Michael Levin Lone Soldier Foundation is to raise awareness and strengthen commitment to IDF Lone Soldiers by promoting the core initiatives:
- Working in partnership with individuals and organizations to fund direct support of Lone Soldiers before, during, and after their service.
- Raising awareness and the funds necessary to support the broad scope of daily needs of the uniquely brave and passionate young men and women serving as Lone Soldiers in Israel, without favor and without disadvantage.
The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and was established by Mark and Harriet Levin, Michael Levin’s parents. We are fulfilling our mission and Michael’s dream to help lone soldiers before, during and after their service by providing grants to organizations in Israel serving the needs of lone soldiers. The Foundation funds a variety of programs and services that center on meeting those needs such as shabbat and holiday meals, housing, one-on-one mental health counseling, resources for pre and post army service, visits to bases and much more. We help to create a real community for lone soldiers. In addition we serve as a resource and support to parents of lone soldiers all over the world.